Version 3.8.8

  1. Based on that details we can create a Request for MYInsure in RoadRanger as like Buy insurance.
  2. In that request, they can add quotes. In 02Assign Page, status change to Pending and quote is also added, it should send URL link as sms to that member.
  3. In that URL, it contains username as session key, based on the session key, they can open and see all the details in MMP website(MMP website has to be create as same as MMP Mobile).
  4. In SSO, Create a entry in tbl_sso_session with the email and ApplicationID and get security key from that
  5. When they open the website through link, it open one popup and ask “Would you like to download MMP APP” with the option YES and NO.
  6. Need to Display this details in roadranger 02Assign Page Remarks table.
  7. To include the member name MuInsurer in Table
  8. Include the name in dropdown
  9. Change the calculations for MMPDiscount according to the username.